Monday, October 17, 2016

The ANKH is both Scientific & Spiritual. Find out why

The ANKH was used in ancient Kemet for many reasons one of which was to conduct electricity. That's right electricity was discovered thousands of years before Christ and the ANKH was the tool they used.
the Waas Scepter in the top left pic represents the power that flowed through the ANKH and it can also be seen going through the middle of the ANKH in the pic at the top
The DJed in the right of the picture was used to help with the voltage and the ANKH itself is what was used to help with the flow of the electrical current
Question: What is the Djed Pillar?
Answer: The Djed Pillar is a symbol from Ancient African culture which represented concepts related to “stability” representing also VOLTAGE

Question: What is the Ankh?
Answer:  The Ankh is a symbol from Ancient African culture which represented concepts related to “Life” and the flow of CURRENT

Question: What is the Waas Scepter?
Answer:  The Waas Scepter is a symbol from Ancient African culture which represented concepts related to “Power”.
The ANCH is the ultimate spiritual carrier wave of Energy created by Ancient Khemites.
We see here in the pic PTAH holding the ANCH which has the DJED and Waas Scepter.
It's said that this instrument or GOD PARTICLE was used to heal the body and bring life.
 When the  “Electromagnet” described in the book “P.T.AH. Technology” is constructed by connecting the Djed, Ankh, and Waas, it heats up as the electrons move through the solenoid coil of the Ankh.  Thus there is a direct relationship between the movement of electrons, or electricity, to the flow of heat, or Thermodynamics.  This relationship is further strengthened by the fact that the Ancient African deity of Technology and Engineering named Ptah, who is depicted holding the Djed, Ankh, and Waas symbols in his staff, is said to have been married to a goddess named Sekhmet who is related to the “power of heat” or Thermodyanmics.
Ohm's Law is the mathematical relationship among electric current, resistance, and voltage. The principle is named after the German scientist Georg Simon Ohm.
Biogeometry is the Energy Science of the ANKH which was used to communicate with our internal organs assimilating info within our internal electrical system. It's said the Ancient Khemites also used the ANKH to communicate with each other telepathically through the head chakra. This was facilitated by opening up the 3rd Eye which is our Pineal Gland. Jacob opened up his 3rd Eye when he came face to face with GOD in Gen. 32. Note that the SUN rose above him which was used to open his 3rd Eye Pineal gland. And the place is called Piniel which tells us where his face to face encounter with GOD occurred.
Genesis 32:30-31New International Version (NIV)
30 So Jacob called the place Peniel,[a] saying, “It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.”
31 The sun rose above him as he passed Peniel,[b] and he was limping because of his hip.
It appears in this verse that Jacob was sun gazing.
"sun gazing," or "sun eating,"  thousands of years to ancient Kemet. By staring at the sun for short intervals every day, at specified times throughout the day,, sun gazers are imparted with the universal energy force that drives all life. "Eating" the sun, in other words, is said to literally infuse energy into cells throughout the body. Sun Gazing can help dramatically improve sleep quality, boost energy levels, improve eyesight, enhance endocrine health and, perhaps most interestingly, "decalcify" the pineal (Opening of the 3rd Eye)