Saturday, September 17, 2016

Amen Ra, Who is He and why do we end the prayer by saying His name?

Most religions end their prayer by saying Amen. What does Amen mean? Some of us were told it just means "so be it" But what else does it really mean because that's not the full story behind AMEN RA. And whenever your not giving the full story about something that means your being lied to in most cases.

The True meaning can be found In Ancient KEMET many thousands of years B.C ( Before Christ) It was taught that AMEN RA is the one Supreme GOD. Ra is GOD (Ntchr) of Light and Victory and Protection. Immeasurable Power Force manifested by the SUN. The Sun symbol of Energy, Rolling life like a Scarab Rolls balls of dung into the Light. He is the Bright & Blazing Light of Truth. The Wispering wind of Power.

This is a picture of Amen Ra and in his right hand he holds the Ankh (an archetype representing Eternal Life through the coming together of the male and female energy life force)

Amen - the hidden one, unknown, King of gods. Sustainer of the Universe typified by the Sun. The ruler of all gods. The beautiful and beloved God who gives life by means of every food. The One, thee only Only, who has no second.
One maker of mankind and of the substance of the gods of the south north west and east. Ascribe praise to Ra the Lord of heaven, the prince, life, strength health. Creator of the gods. In His presence beautiful in his rising. As a way to live this out its great to Sun Gaze during the 1st 45mins of the Sun rising.
The gods are rejoicing when they see Ra in his rising, His beams flood with light the countries. He illuminates the earth and his birth everyday he arriveth at his region of yesterday.
In Kemet they knew and worshipped one God nameless incomprehensible and eternal
The Egyptian religion is a pure monotheism which manifested itself externally by a symbolic polytheism.
God made himself manifest to man upon earth was the Sun which the Egyptians called Ra
He shone upon the earth from primeval time (in the form of) the DISK (Shape of sun, this is why the Catholics use a DISK shape Eucharist when serving the body of Christ during communion ) the Prince of light & radiance.
"O behold with thine eye His plans, Devote thyself to adore His name. It is He who giveth souls to millions of forms and He magnifieth whosoever magnifieth him. Now the God of this earth is the sun who is the ruler of the horizon."

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