Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Anhk of Eternal Life

The Ankh is an Archetype which represents not just Life but Eternal life. Journey with me as we dig deep into the esoteric meanings. The ANKH symbolically represents the creation of life from the beginning of time. There was always the male/feminine energies from the beginning as we see Amen join with Amunet to create Nun./Nunet. This is why it's said that the ANKH means LIFE, Eternal Life which comes from GOD. The GOD of ancient times of KEMET the UNKNOWN God known as AMEN. It's interesting to note that the A is silent in the word ANKH this is why it's pronounced NKH. Amen/Amenet is the Hidden Spark of Life. The two came together and split into 8. This split can also be seen in science when the sperm and egg come together to create man and man living creatures are formed in the same way. It's very powerful to see how Nature (NTR) shows us GOD in the very way life is formed and created. This Eternal Life from GOD is ours. We came as a living soul (Ka) into this world and entered into our mothers womb and combined with the sperm/egg and was born as a human being. Yet we always existed and always will. Even before we was formed in our mothers womb He knew us and He will never leave us or forsake us this is why we have Eternal Life from GOD.
The symbol for the Ankh Mdu Ntr sounds of N & KH translations we know the symbol was pronounced NKH or ANKH.  A is disputed and may have been added for convenience for pronunciation. Amun/Amunet was primordial wave and they created Nun. Two becomes Eight as they now split tow Amun/Amunet, Nun/Nunet, Kek/Keket and then Heh/Hehet. Within the letters of the word ANKH can be found Amen/Amenet the hidden SPARK of life, Nun/Nunet primordial unformed MASS and it's opposite, Keh/Kehet representing the qualities of LIGHT and it's opposite and Heh/Hehet representing of INFINITY & it's opposite. I will elaborate more on this in a future post. This connection with GOD shows how the ANKH embodies the great qualities of GOD (Spark of Life, Infinity, Light & unformed Mass)
   A - Amen
N - Nun
K - Keh
H - Heh
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Be the first to order your shirt today by emailing us at RoyalLightInternational@gmail.com. Also follow us on IG @RoyalLightInternational


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