Friday, September 23, 2016

the 42 Confessions of Ma'at

Lately I've confessed the 42 confessions of Ma'at each morning. For those who may not know, these 42 laws of Ma'at also known as the Declaration of Innocence was a practice done over 7,000 years ago in ancient Kemet. And during the time these principles were followed there was no need for a police force. The people abided in harmony and order. Yet if we look at our society today in America and other places around the world you will find so much disorder, crime and injustice. Obviously there are something major missing today and I feel the 42 laws of Ma'at is a major factor that is missing in today's society. The 10 commandments was actually taken from the 42 laws of Ma'at. If everyone lived by these confessions we would all be living in a much better place with balance and reciprocity on all levels (family, neighbors and nationally).

Here are the 42 Laws of Ma'at which I encourage everyone to recite each morning and night. I also have a video guiding you in the confessions check it out here

  1. I will not do wrong.
  2. I will not steal
  3. I will not act with violence
  4. I will not kill
  5. I will not be unjust
  6. I will not cause pain
  7. I will not waste food
  8. I will not lie
  9. I will not desecrate holy places
  10. I will not speak evil
  11. I will not abuse my sexuality
  12. I will not cause the shedding of tears
  13. I will not sow seeds of regret
  14. I will not be an aggressor
  15. I will not act guilefully
  16. I will not lay waste the plowed land
  17. I will not bear false witness
  18. I will not set my mouth in motion against any person
  19. I will not be wrathful and angry except for a just cause
  20. I will not copulate with a man wife
  21. I will not copulate with a woman husband
  22. I will not pollute myself
  23. I will not cause terror
  24. I will not pollute the earth
  25. I will not speak in anger
  26. I will not turn from the words of right & truth
  27. I will not utter curses
  28. I will not initiate a quarrel
  29. I will not be excitable or contentious
  30. I will not prejudge
  31. I will not be an eavesdropper
  32. I will not speak over much
  33. I will not commit treason against the ancestors
  34. I will not waste water
  35. I will do no evil
  36. I will not be arrogant
  37. I will not blaspheme “NTR” the one Most High – Mother/Father of creation
  38. I will not commit fraud
  39. I will not defraud temple offerings
  40. I will not plunder the dead
  41. I will not abuse children
  42. I will not mistreat animals

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